2 (almost 3) days into the month - sorry there, september. i almost didn't see you there :oP
once again my schedule is packed with enough healthy craziness to keep me on my toes. and as september gradually unveils a new season, my body welcomes autumn by inviting the cold virus over for a germ-party in its honour and wastes no time in doing the mexican hat dance on my immune system. yep, i'm sick to the point where i'm now on my third box of kleenex and have officially lost my ability to breathe out of both nostrils... ugh.
however, i take partial blame for not taking better care of myself over this past week. spending the past couple of days with 21 overly-energetic girls under the age of 15 on an overnight retreat at the j-sisters' pad in brampton gave way to a number of sleepless nights, various messes and concoctions made in the kitchen, lots of high-pitched screams and giggles, various sing-alongs to avril lavigne and the bangles, a late-night sugar spree with hot chocolate and timbits, few (read: a lot of) reminders that it's not nice to run in the house; and of course, a beautiful array of good times. thankfully, the girls were well-behaved and didn't completely tear up the place, even though the sugar high didn't subside until 4am... :oP

ggn 2005 (thanks for the pic, jasiel!)
our theme this year was "the beauty within", and it was such a blessing how much these kids wanted to participate and learn. what really surprised me was how much they were into the message, profusely writing down notes and freely asking questions, hanging on every word that exited my lips. i was actually pretty taken back at the amount of discussion we had, and at the same time saddened at how most of these girls, especially at such young ages, already had huge insecurities about themselves... and yet, they were still willing to be completely open about them. i guess insecurity doesn't really depend much on an age requirement... perhaps even more so if you're a girl. but what really gave me warm fuzzies was how most of the girls showed so much genuine appreciation for the topic and left the place inspired with an evident sense of hope and feeling a little better about themselves... *sigh* what an amazing feeling to know that you've touched the life of at least one person... to say the least, my heart overflowed.
'twas an amazing 2 days. a lot was said, much was learned, few tears were shed, and all were praised for - enough for me to see that all our blood, sweat, and sacrifice of sleep were definitely all worth it in the end.
He is good, indeed.
here's to a great beginning to a new month...