just when i thought i was in the clear
from an earlier conversation on msn...
ate bheng: so, can i show you some pictures?
me: sure. what are they of?
ate bheng: my nephews. i want to introduce you to them. two are 24, and have just finished univeristy; one is 26 and already a professional.
me: oh, that's nice. where are they now?
ate bheng: in the philippines. i saw them while i was there. i want you to decide after you see their pictures.
me: decide on...?
ate bheng: which one you want.
me: what?
ate bheng: they're looking for nice girls to be introduced to right now, so i want you to pick who you like.
me: er.
ate bheng: i'm just joking :o)
me: are you really?
ate bheng: well, no.
... yeesh.
i miss you estelle!!!
so who'd ya choose? ;)
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