just another day at oxford learning...
at the end of class, while going over lesson re-call with one of my grade 1 students and my education director...
education director: okay, before you leave, tell me what you worked on today with miss estelle.
student: the "short u" sound.
education director: could you give me a word that has the "short u" sound?
student: um... "up"
education director: great! how about a word that has the "short u" sound in the middle?
student: uh... (looks pensively around the room) "truck."
education director: can you give me a word that rhymes with "truck?"
student: (innocently without absolutely no hesitation whatsoever) "fuck."
(insert the sound of our jaws dropping to the floor in total shock here)
in my head: that was soooo NOT part of our lesson today!
education director: (after a couple of minutes) ... do you think you could maybe think of a *nicer* word that rhymes with "truck?"
student: (pauses) uh... "suck?"
education director: (blinking twice) okay then... (closes the book) i think that's all for now.
unknowingly the dad of this precious little boy had come early to pick him up and had heard the lesson re-call from outside of the classroom. he walked in sheepishly and couldn't help but notice the level of slight awkwardness that lingered in the room. like the both of us, he was just as confused as to where his son was picking it up from, and was sure that he probably didn't understand the profanity that was associated with *that* word... apparently in their language, the word "fuck" actually means "i do," which made some sense as to why my student was so naturally inclined to say it without anything holding him back... oy.
of course, we should have totally seen it coming. yeeeesh.