where do i begin? the past 6 days have certainly been a rollercoaster, complete with high rushes of adrenaline and an abundant load of ups and downs - the kind that make your tummy feel yuck and absolutely wonderful all at the same time.
monday started with one of the first heavy rainfalls we've had since spring started this year. and with it, came my first experience getting into a car accident while in the driver's seat. i was making a left turn onto rathburn from mavis on my way home, when suddenly a car appeared out of nowhere from opposing traffic, in a gutsy attempt to beat the light which was about to turn red. problem was, i couldn't see it coming because the cars in the other lanes had already stopped and she was coming from the lane furthest to the left (my left, her right). it was too late when i finally saw her racing down towards me, which quickly resulted to her car colliding with the rear of mine.
surprisingly the loundess of the blow was more harsh than the actual damage done to either car; meaning to say that there were no damages done whatsoever, which was shocking since the impact was so big. no one was hurt, and we were all able to walk away from the accident completely unharmed; both cars unscratched and in tact. to say the least, it was a miracle - definitely a testament to His sustaining grace.
and while on the topic of miracles, it looks like i'll be going to york this fall for teacher's college! as ecstatic as i am to be starting school again this summer (classes start in august :oP) and finally having some grasp on attaining a career for myself, my emotions are slightly mixed. for my teaching placement, i've been placed at a school that has its reputation for being the "gangsta's paradise" of high schools in the 'saugs. friends have already started trying to convince me to get a leather jacket and bullet-proof vest for september - where's coolio when you need him?! :oP