1. i lost my internet privileges for the past couple of weeks, as bell sympatico unexpectedly failed to notify us that our account expired in august... yeesh. as a result, we failed to notify *them* that we decided to switch to rogers instead. :oP
2. after 3 weekends and 60 hours of intense learning, i am finally tesl certified, and dang proud of it. :o)

me, deanna, christina: tesl certified, baby!
3. i celebrated thanksgiving without the turkey, but made up for it by spending the day with my cousins at al ferri's apple farm in sweet home ala-brampton. even until now my house is still abundantly full of apple goodness; everything from apple tea to apple butter. mmmmmm... apples.

aboard the apple tractor with my cousins

... and you wonder why she's my favourite :o)
4. i've had the pleasant opportunity to play tour guide to the wonderful miss autumn hulke who dropped by for a 5-day visit from the desert lands of arizona. together, we caused nothing but wholesome ruckus around the GTA, niagara falls, and picked a few *more* apples along the way.

me and autumn: on the glass floor of the cn tower

me and autumn at niagara falls: gotta love a man in uniform... even if he *is* only made out of plastic... :oP
5. to relieve myself of even more financial strain, i've allowed myself to be sucked into the wonderful world of retail, and have established the split-identity of part-time sales girl by day and core teacher by night.
6. the process of applying for teacher's college has reached a plateau and the hunt for references finds me playing the waiting game once again. applications are still in the process of being done, and i seem to be drowning in supplementary application bliss/procrastination more and more as time continues to fly by.
7. i've noticed myself growing a little more tired at the end of each week, but with His sustaining grace, i continue to humbly embrace the busy-ness and healthy chaos that each day brings.
8. i am slowly coming to accept the fact that my days of "nocturnal-dom" are numbered. sleep is just far too precious to waste these days. :oP