... if i ever see another nametag again, it'll be too soon.
today consisted of spending the majority of it at home, cramping and sitting in front of a laminating machine; patiently watching and waiting as 97 3x5 white index cards made their way in and out... and yet, a part of me found it quite amusing and even somewhat therapeutic.
how sad.
seems like i've taken one too many responsibilities yet again. we've been planning our church camp for the past several months now, and before this week, i was a little worried that no one would want to go. final tally of campers that me and my committee are accountable for: 95. answered prayer? yes, of course, but now i'm onto the next challenge, which is trying to figure out what i'm supposed to do with all those people for 3 whole days :oP and leave it to the last week before the actual camp for things to start falling apart - yeesh. however, trying to maintain a positive attitude and keep my determination to persevere, i am ready to expect the unexpected and deal with whatever comes my way... but sometimes i think i should probably consider more the option of saying "no" to handling one too many things at once - a habit that i've never really been able to really grasp. will i ever learn? highly doubtful.
in the meantime, what is actually helping me maintain some of my sanity this week are happy thoughts of lying across the white sands of boracay beach, philippines, and indulging myself with the smell of fresh ocean air. *sigh* just think, in a couple of weeks, i'll be on a plane headed for tropical paradise. and in response to that, i let out a very dreamy and dazed wooooooooooot.
but as for tomorrow's agenda, i plan on moving from laminating bliss to photocopying goodness.
... must... get... through... this... week...
... i am not amused.
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