a christian lounge? what a nifty idea!
in celebration of jacrise's 19th birthday, we found ourselves here:

it was your typical classy lounge setting, but with a heavy christian twist - a number of elements had to come into play in order to create a particular ambiance to the club atmosphere: 1) there was a pretty strict dress code in effect (no runners, no hats, no tank-tops for guys OR girls, and no frayed or torn jeans); 2) the bar only served a limited array of pop, juice, and water - whatever alcohol that *was* in sight was locked away behind the bar; and 3) (and most important and impactful) there was an amazing abundance of inspirational talent that overflowed onstage - a huge variety of music that covered everything from rap, to hip hop, to jazz, to latin groove, to spoken word, to reggae, to RnB, and of course, a whole lotta soul. being a first-timer, i wasn't disappointed at all - and unlike some clubs and lounges i've been to, it was actually worth the $10 cover charge :oP
originally, the whole concept of a "christian club/lounge" was something that i had slight reservations about, not really knowing what to expect out of it. but it was actually a welcomed change from the typical club/lounge environment i'm normally used to. right from the get-go you could immediately tell that this was not just an ordinary lounge. what really made all the difference was that before getting started with the show, the host initiated everyone in a word of prayer - definitely not something you'd normally see happen at an average lounge, but i appreciated everything that made the whole experience as unique as it was. the diversity in worship that each of the performers gave through their music was awesome, and it was actually pretty interesting to see people really move (yes, as in dance and get funky with their good selves ;oP) to christian music. even us girls were able to slip in a little salsa groove when the opportunity came :o) loved it!
surprisingly, one of the performers that was on the list was an extremely talented girl by the name of chisoni who was a fairly close high school friend of mine that i hadn't seen or kept in touch with for over 5 years. but just the same as in high school, her voice completely blew me away tonight. it was really nice to catch up.
'twas a great night for celebration, friendly fellowship, wonderful worship, feelin' the vibe, bopping the night away, reuniting with great people, and of course, making good use of my brand new digital camera by taking a crazy poop load of pictures :oP
highlights from tonight:

feelin' the groove

me and the birthday girl

the divas of woodlands: me and chisoni :oP

girls shot :o)

the we're-stuck-in-a-concrete-fence shot
what a funk-tastic night! *sigh* really, during times like these, all that's really left to say is, "i said a hip hop the hippie the hippie to the hip hip hop, a you dont stop the rock it to the bang bang boogie say up jumped the boogie to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat." ;oP
When you were talking about people "getting funky with their good selves" I couldn't help picturing nuns '_' LOL!! Like Sister Act styles... HAHAH!
imagine a day when Zamar will be a REGULAR, friday-night spot. :D SO EXCITING! I'm SO in next time you want to hit it up!
so you DID end up going.
makes me want to hit that place up someday. hehe.
but let's meet up eh?
next week? shall we set a date?
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