happy birthday, canada!
proud to be canadian:

me, jasiel, charlene

"we even got our faces branded, eh?"
i think that in one day we actually managed to somehow hit at least 5 different places and take an unexpected scenic route all over the GTA in the process. but the weather was gorgeous, the breeze was wonderful, and i got to spend the day with some fabulous people.
the day went a
- the initial plan was to meet at the ferry docks of toronto's centre island on the corner of queen's quay and bay street, and eventually take the ferry over and end up watching the fireworks from the island.
- once we found parking however, we then figure that since the fireworks show was actually going to be at ontario place, it would probably make more sense to watch the fireworks there.
- after driving along lakeshore west and paying the $10 parking fee, we then had yet another change of heart that was shortly aroused by the realization that we didn't want to pay the $30+ cover charge at ontario place. as a result, we then found ourselves driving further east, and attempted to find parking at ashbridges park.
- after scouring the parking lots, and literally driving figure eights around the park grounds, we soon fell in despair of not being able to find a parking space.
- charlene then suggests that we try thomson park instead, which was actually even further east into scarborough and didn't necessarily have a fireworks show run by the city; but had much bigger chance of finding decent parking, with the added bonus of a petting zoo.
- suddenly enchanted by the idea of being able to touch animals, and a few dozen games of cell phone tag afterwards, we excitedly made our way along brimley road and finally parked our cars at thomson park, where we enjoyed a typical filipino picnic. while others around us broke out the barbeque skewers and the hamburgers; we broke out the pancit (filipino noodles), the fried rice (with chopped up hot dogs), the spicy chicken (which was rather messy but delectably scrumptious); and of course, the casava cake... mmmm.
- once we finished lunch, we waited around at the park, tried to get as much free canada day memorabilia as we could, and then decided to pack our things up by 2:30pm.
- next stop: our friendly neighborhood tim horton's, where we gladly indulged ourselves with ice caps galore. :o)
- and finally, what canada day celebration would be complete without a viewing of National Treasure over pizza and wings, and a whole lotta wholesome home-karaoke goodness... in north york?
... apparently not ours :oP
happy canada day, folks!
Such wholesome family fun!!!
Forget sandwiches!!!
*drools* mmmm yummy filipino picnic!
So jealous!
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