... i suddenly have the urge to go clubbing/salsa dancing/breakdance and/or tango all at the same time.
seeing "happy feet" will do that to you. :o)
and even despite its pseudo-morally-awkward ending, 'twas a good movie full of great tunes and hard-knockin' beats... oh yes, and the crazy whoppin' loads of musically and rhythmically inclined penguins definitely gave way to a lovely night. you can't really go wrong with that.
and the company was quite wonderful as well ;o)
note to self: must get the soundtrack.
then how about us chickas go to plaza flamingo or somethinggggggg.
like hello girl dateeeee!
i wanna too since i backed down going out w/ my flends :P
yes you did. >.<
you were greatly missed. greatly.
will we be able to get some coffee and chill sometime? even if it's just the two of us?
offtopic: just blog hopping! care to exchange links??
hey estelle! guess what.... i haven't gotten your comments on my blog... til now! cos i didn't realize i had to approve them and hadn't seen that at all!!! opps! i feel dorky! haha. so ya... now i know... i think i'm gonna make it so that i don't have to pre approve em.
hey how are you? prayin for u.
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