Tuesday, July 04, 2006

cuckoo and loving it!

currently listening to: "be yourself" by morcheeba

i've always been a firm believer that growing up is optional - and this long canada day weekend proved that opting not to grow up definitely has its advantages. curiosity may have killed the cat, but it's a beautiful thing among crazy-wonderful friends who are just as cuckoo as you are :oD

since fireworks were unusually scarce in brampton on saturday night, we decided to take the initiative and make our own explosions. inspired by janelle's high school chemistry class, we decided to test the whole "diet coke and mentos" experiment for ourselves in the back of a nearby school parking lot - and had a heck of a dang good time doing it :oP

the experiment in progress (thanks for your car, aldrin :oP)

the scientists hard at work

the procedure in all its glory :oP
*for best viewing, please tilt your head to the left of your monitor*

(check out the remaining mentos that stuck to the bottom of the bottle)

a successful attempt by the cuckoo scientists :oD

our conclusion(s): (1) nothing says "happy birthday, canada!" better than a two litre bottle of diet coke and a package of mint-flavoured mentos :oD and (2) we enjoy watching things explode ... perhaps a little too much :oP


Blogger Cristina said...

hehehe.. you're a crazy bunch. hehe
as for me... when am i free??? dude, i'm getting ready for this ETC (english training camp) project this week and i'm off on Monday. I'll be back in August to face retreats and a short-term mission trip to the native reserve (Mozambique was cancelled) and then off to Korea i go...
in all that chaos, let's meet up sometime :O) hehe...let me know when is good for you, and we'll figure something out

July 05, 2006 12:34 PM  

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