my quarter-of-a-century weekend draws to a close...
"quarter of a century isn't old... compared to the universe." -- bikin
"you're a quat-ury!" -- edmond
leave it to my male computer engineer friends to make a girl feel *really* special on her 25th birthday. still, i suppose it's the thought that counts, right? :o)
a weekend of non-stop festivities and celebrations has finally come to its end, and finds me happily stuffed and perusing through the glossy pages of the J-14 magazine that was gifted me by tess, who thought it would help me feel a little less... "old". but to my dismay, flipping through the myriad of celebrity pin-ups and an unnecessarily overwhelming amount of jesse mccartney has actually made me feel somewhat outdated; considering the sad fact that i don't seem to recognize more than half the faces on those pages ... i must say though, it's rather drole that i can still be amused by a good "what's your ideal date?" quiz once in a while. ;oP
what a maahhhvalous weekend - from the seemingly endless feasts spent with amazing people:

me, livi, and esther (who is behind the camera) in complete fondue euphoria at the apricot tree café

can't let all that go to waste... :oP

dinner with the entire household (+ dwayne :oD) at the pickle barrel
to experiencing the sensational jazzy-goodness of the lori cullen quintet at the montreal bistro (where the food is good, but the jazz is *MUCH* better) with some of the most fabulous women i know:

quarter-of-a-century girls' night out (we missed you, bev)

a long overdue reunion, indeed!

just ain't a party without you girls... (bev, where are you?)

... joannie, i couldn't help it ;oP

with the wonderfully talented jazz singer/songwriter/DOODLER, lori cullen

so happy i got my birthday mousse ;o)
and of course, to the people who were so kind to contribute to the abundance of phone calls, text messages, e-cards, msn messages, friendster testimonials, e-mails, post-mail, other well-wishes and presents galore... i am so richly blessed, and so very thankful for it all. i couldn't have asked for a better way to celebrate and welcome the thrill of now entering the mid-20's.
so yes. i'm 25 now - and the 4 days that i've been been able to experience it thus far have been nothing but simply exhilarating.
and now if you'll excuse me, i have quite a lot of J-14 to catch up on before i hit the hay :oP
haha bev was taking the picture? gee, that explains a lot ;o)
u look beautiful estelle! :-)
sat nite dinner was amazing!!! hehehe.. yummy and great great great entertainment!!! awesome night! hhehehe..
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