nothing brings in december cheer better than a quality family christmas interior decor-fest and the sniffles.
7 days into the month, and the cold and flu viruses have already taken down more than half of my students.
the thing about teaching kids of all shapes and sizes is that you're easily exposed to germs of all shapes and sizes. and when the kids get sick, they have the tendency to prey on their teacher.
... an excerpt from a conversation between me and 9 year-old dave this past tuesday:
dave: i missed last week because my brother and i had the flu.
me: oh really? that's too bad.
dave: not as bad as me getting you sick (followed by an evil grin and rubbing his hands together similar to that of mr. burns from the simpsons)
me: well, that's not going to happen, dave.
dave: why not?
me: because i'm not going to get sick...
famous last words. my now-sultry-man-voice and stuffy nose hint to me that this may only be just the beginning of a long and germ-infested winter teaching at oxford learning center. *sigh* at least i'll have the holidays to be able to recuperate and stock up on the echinacea.
but on a much brighter note, the house is looking quite lovely. the tree is up, the lights are beaming, and the house is full of wonderful christmas clutter and soon to be filled with wholesome family goodness... next weekend, it's going to be a roadtrip to michigan to fetch the brother and bring him back home for the holidays; which will then be immediately followed by a myriad of good times all around. :o)
hard to believe that in only a matter of weeks will be the end of yet another month, and the dawn of a new year.
where does time run off to in such a hurry?
edit: travis, how 'bout you count *them* sentences? :oP
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