Wednesday, November 09, 2005

why, hey there, november!

another month to be reckoned with.

feeling a little (a lot) overwhelmed by responsibility in the past few weeks, i decided to redo my entire bedroom. and since i haven't touched it since high school, i figured that it was high time that a splash of colour be added to the walls, and for my 'nsync and garfield posters to be finally taken down and hidden away where no one can find them :oP and now, after a full week of painting, building shelves, moving furniture, and a gleeful spree at ikea; my room has now become my own sweet, domesticated haven :oD and surprisingly, painting and building can be quite effective therapy for stress...

i've also come to notice that christmas is starting to take over the mall; from the glistening christmas decor dangling from the ceilings, to being able to catch the occasional christmas tune lingering throughout the hallways. however in my store, we seem to have *all* the popular christmas classics mixed in with our usual top 40 mix - and on repeat. though i know the reasoning behind this is to gradually spread a little christmas cheer among customers until the actual day, i fear that by the time christmas actually does come around, i will have endured an overkill of bing crosby's rendition of "the 12 days of christmas," and will probably not want to hear a single peep from anything remotely close to a french hen for a very long time.

on a much brighter note, i was quite amused and delighted when my assistant manager mistook me for being 26 today... "wow, you seem so much more mature than 24," she said. and i was on perma-smile mode for the remainder of the day. :oP

of course, now that the day is over, it's time to put my nose back on the grindstone and continue application-ing for teacher's college. and once again, i must dive head first into supplementary goodness. december 1 is vastly approaching, and knowing me, procrastination is going to be one of my biggest obstacles.

but thankfully i have the soothing combination of michael bublé and hot maple tea to keep me company through the grueling hours of the night. :o)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

NO - not Michael Buble - oh the horror - I just thought that maybe he was limited to Asia

I think I will have to go cry now since I thought the music world couldnt sink any lower then N'sync

November 09, 2005 11:26 PM  
Blogger Sherri said...

Hi...found your blog for the first time and I enjoyed it. I suppose being more mature than your age and looking younger is a good thing, right? :)

November 11, 2005 4:54 PM  

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